
Greetings, Lawson School Community,

 Thanksgiving is a time for reflection, celebrating with our loved ones and close friends, and enjoying fantastic food. As we enter this season of thanks, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each of you as members of the Lawson community.

On behalf of the Board of Education, it is my privilege to express appreciation for the unwavering dedication of our school administrators, teachers, staff, and families.

 Your commitment to our students and pride in our school community is immeasurable and a testament to what makes Lawson such a special place to call home. Without a doubt, there is no denying that we are student and community-centered, and I want to encourage each of us as community members, teachers, and parents always to find ways to celebrate our students and to be thankful for the joy and, yes at times frustration that they bring to us. The start of the 2022-2023 school year has been fantastic and full of excitement as we look to the future of what we can and will become as a school community, and I believe that we are yet to see the best of what Lawson has to offer. So together, let’s be thankful for each other and allow ourselves to celebrate where we have come from, and always remember that we can accomplish anything as long as we work together.

 Happy Thanksgiving everyone
Mr. Stephenson