
Select Choir traveled to Liberty High School today to perform in the MSHSAA Large Group Festival. After returning from our MMEA performance in January, the choir had only three weeks to prepare three new songs, interrupted by over a week of snow days. Following last week's concert, the choir decided to utilize a couple of our pieces from MMEA for this year's festival. The group had three days to polish songs they hadn't sung in a month and brush up on their sight reading skills. Our school district is proud of their work and outstanding MSHSAA performance.

Mrs. Covey stated, "This group has worked hard this year, and I admire their talent and dedication. Many seniors have poured their hearts into over eight years of singing in our district." The MSHSAA Large Group Festival marks the choir's last formal event this year. Most choir members are busy preparing solos and small ensembles for the MSHSAA District Festival in a few weeks. We have one more choir concert on May 6. It will be a night of fun music and dancing. We hope to see you there!