
Climate and Culture Survey Results

The Lawson R-XIV School District conducts an annual climate and culture survey in the fall of each calendar year.

The survey is designed to gain insight from all direct participants in the educational learning process within the Lawson school system: parents, guardians, students, teachers, and staff. The survey provides a data-driven approach to understanding and improving the structure and processes within our school system. The data collected is used in a plethora of ways to advance the district, including but not limited to:

1.      Assessing the overall school environment.

2.      Identifying areas of strength and weakness in the school's climate and culture.

3.      Gauging student perceptions of the school environment.

4.      Understanding the perspectives of teachers and staff members.

5.      Understanding the perception of our school from the lens of parents and guardians.

6. Evaluate aspects of safety and well-being to identify concerns related to bullying,
harassment, or other safety issues, allowing for targeted interventions.

7.      Create Continuous Improvement through continuous monitoring and evaluation

In summary, our school climate and culture survey is a valuable tool for understanding the dynamics within our entire school community, identifying areas for improvement, and fostering a positive and productive learning environment.

Click the Climate and Culture District Survey Results - Fall 2024 link to review the results.