On October 22nd, at the Frederick Boulevard Church in St. Joseph, over 400 students, advisers, and guests attended the Missouri Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Region 2 Meeting. Lawson High School had 33 members in attendance and Lawson Middle School had 36 members in attendance.

The meeting's theme was “In My FCCLA Era.” The meeting began with the regional officers' introduction by Trenton High School, and was called to order by the regional president, Arisha Shafiiqk from Chillicothe High School. 

A Miracle Minute was conducted for FosterAdopt Connect, in which $345.68 was collected.

The meeting ended with motivational speaker Melvin Adams, a former NBA player and Harlem Globetrotter, who spoke about dealing with life struggles, gaining confidence, and dealing with frustration in positive ways.

At the meeting, the Lawson Middle School received an award for their outstanding number of STAR Event participants last year. Lawson High School received an award for increasing their STAR Event Participation this year. The High School also received an award for being the best professionally dressed chapter.