Students from Lawson School District attended the 2024 Missouri Family, Career and Community
Leaders of America (FCCLA) State Leadership Conference, March 17-19, 2024, at Margaritaville Lake Resort
and Conference Center in Osage Beach. Almost 1,600 delegates from across the state represented more
than 8,600 members of Missouri FCCLA.
The conference centered on the student-developed theme “Missouri FCCLA: Out of this World”
representing how Missouri FCCLA members are launching their leadership to new levels. The conference
kicked off with the Opening General Session on Sunday evening where the 2023-2024 Missouri FCCLA
State Executive Council presided. The keynote speaker was Dr. Laymon Hicks.
On Monday, almost 800 students participated in more than 30 competitive STAR Events –
Students Taking Action with Recognition. The following middle school members competed: Journey
Clevenger, Caitlyn Cline and Josie Holman received a silver medal in Focus on Children, Braylie Cox and
Mariah Jones received a silver medal in Chapter Service Project Portfolio, Ella Ripley received a silver
medal in Career Investigation, Teddy Thomas and Emily Wintworth received a gold medal in
Professional Presentation, Allison Koeberl, Rebecca Lafferty and Ben Mayne received a gold medal in
Event Management and qualified for National competition. The following high school members
competed: Lily Ripley and Isabella Shay received a silver medal in Entrepreneurship, Kadance James and
Allison Hochwender received a silver medal in Chapter Service Project Display and placed 3 rd in the state.
Also attending the conference were high school advisor Katie Martin and middle school advisor Sharon
Embrey, and chaperones, Rebecca Ripley and Joe and Heather Koeberl.
Students also were able to attend workshops on leadership development, community service,
career preparation, and healthy living. Exhibits from Missouri colleges, universities, and vendors were
also present at the conference. Student voting delegates elected the 2024-2025 Missouri FCCLA State
Executive Council and raised money for our state outreach project benefitting LOVEtheLOU.
FCCLA is unique among student organizations because projects and events--such as the State
Leadership Conference--are planned and run by its student members. This prime focus of Missouri FCCLA,
youth-centered leadership, helps members develop those "skills for life"—planning, goal setting, problem
solving, decision-making, and interpersonal communication—necessary in the work place and in the home.