BOE Meeting Recap

July BOE Meeting


The Board met Wednesday, July 19, at 6 pm for their monthly meeting. Here is a recap of the meeting highlights. You can view the complete agenda and supporting documents at:


Items for Discussion:

Surplus Property: The Board approved deeming real properties: Central Addition Lot 1 and Central Addition Lot 2 as surplus property, intending to sell the property through a sealed bid process. The properties will be advertised to the community in the Lawson Review and through the District's website and social media sites.

Student Transport Van: The Board approved the purchase of a 10-passenger transport van for student and staff transport for activities and events where such transportation is appropriate.

Fund 1 (General) to Fund IV (Capital Projects) Transfer: The Board approved a transfer of $175,000 from Fund 1 (General) to Fund IV (Capital Projects). This is a necessary transfer to cover the cost of capital purchased, such as technology equipment, security equipment, kitchen equipment, small projects, maintenance equipment, furnaces, etc., that exceed the allowed expenditure amount to be purchased through Fund 1.

BOE Meeting – August Date Change: The Board approved moving their regular August meeting from Wednesday, August 16, to Tuesday, August 15. The meeting will take place in the SW FEMA Commons. The Board will also use this evening to host a community open house and grand opening event for our new SW FEMA building. The grand opening ribbon cutting will be at 5:15pm, with the board meeting at 6pm. We will share more information with the community as the event date gets closer.

Items for information:

Superintendent Update: Dr. Stephenson updated the Board SW FEMA project and other projects throughout the District in preparation for the start of the upcoming school year on August 22, 2023. All projects are scheduled to be completed in time for the beginning of the school year.

Work Session: Following the regular July BOE meeting, the Board had a work session to further the discussion surrounding the District's long-range facilities planning process. A representative from Incite Design led the conversation with the Board providing information related to facility assessments they have completed for the District over the past six months. In the fall, the Board will begin conversations like last fall with creating the District's Strategic Plan with the community to gain input as a part of the plan creation. The plan aims to provide greater detail about what was started in the strategic planning process to meet our current and future facility needs.


Please get in touch with Dr. Stephenson with questions or concerns regarding any information provided in this recap or other district matters. He can be reached by email at or by phone at (816)-580-7277.