June BOE Meeting
The Board met Wednesday, June 21, at 6 pm for their monthly meeting. Here is a recap of the meeting highlights. You can view the complete agenda and supporting documents at: https://www.mywebschooltools.com/schools/Lawson/BoardMeeting/public.php.
Consent Agenda:
The Board approved the 2023-2024 Student and Parent Handbook and the 2023-2024 Staff Handbook. The updated handbooks are available on the district website for viewing and download.
Items for Discussion:
EGS District Policy Update: The Board approved policy updates from EGS. The policy updates were based on changes approved in the 2023-2024 student and parent handbooks.
Budget to Actuals: The Board approved amending the 2022-2023 budget to actual expenditures and revenue on June 30, 2023. The amendment serves as regulatory compliance needed to properly close out the 2023 fiscal year.
Payment of Remaining Bills: The Board approved the payment of outstanding Fiscal year 2023 bills. It is standard practice for the Board to allow the payment of the remainder of bills for a fiscal year during the June Board Meeting. This enables the district to close the books and finish our ASBR (Annual Secretary of the Board Report). The remaining bills will be reviewed in July. Additionally, in July, the Board will be provided a summarized budget showing the end of FY23 performance and balances.
2023-2024 Preliminary Budget: The Board approved the preliminary FY24 Budget to satisfy requirements for the payment of bills beginning July 1, 2023. The district will continue working on budget numbers and perfect the final version to present to the Board in September.
Surplus Items List: The Board approved the surplus items list. The listed surplus items will be sold on the Govdeals.com website. Items will also be advertised to the community in the Lawson Review.
SRCSP Plan: The Board approved the Safe Return to In-Person and Continuity Plan (SRCSP). The Safe Return to In-Person and Continuity Plan (SRCSP) is required by Federal law to comply with ESSER III funding requirements.
Items for information:
SW FEMA Building Update: Mr. Schmitz provided the Board with an update on the progress of the SW FEMA Building project. We are planning a grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony for August 15, 2023.
Summer School Update: Mrs. Cross and Mr. Zahl provided an update on the 2023 Summer School activities.
MSHSAA Activities/Athletics – Report: Mr. Zahl updated the Board on participation numbers and outcomes of our Spring 2023 activities and athletic events.
Student Transport Vans: Mr. Stephenson provided the Board with information about the possibility of the district purchasing two 10-passenger transport vans for student and staff transport for activities and events where such transportation is appropriate. The Board had a good discussion regarding the topic, which will be returned to the Board in July.
School Finance - Update: Mr. Stephenson provided the Board with information related to the current financial outlook for the district as we prepare to close out FY2023. Mr. Stephenson also provided the Board with an in-depth look at the current district student enrollment number, tax rate, and assessed valuation (AV) numbers, along with a historical review of these numbers and how they impact district finances.
Strategic Plan (2023-2028) - Update: Mr. Stephenson provided the Board with an update on progress connected to the nine goals within the district’s 2023-2028 Strategic Plan. The district will have two priority goals from the plan to work on during the 2023-2024 school year: 1 - Establish a plan to update curriculum offerings to engage students in career exploration. 2 - Explore expanding Early Childhood Learning Opportunities for 4-year-olds.
Superintendent Update: Mr. Stephenson updated the Board on current projects throughout the district in preparation for the start of the upcoming school year on August 22, 2023.
Closed Session Announcements:
New Teacher Hires for the 23-24: The Board approved hiring Gracie Fisher – 2nd Grade for the 23-24 school year:
Please contact Mr. Stephenson with questions or concerns regarding any information provided in this recap or other district matters. He can be reached by email at stephensonm@lawsoncardinals.org or by phone at (816)-580-7277.