May BOE Meeting
The Board met Wednesday, May 17, at 6 pm for their monthly meeting. Here is a recap of the meeting highlights. You can view the complete agenda and supporting documents at:
May Board Spotlights: The first board spotlight recognized the hard work and dedication of our two registered nurses, Tina Murdock and Melinda Grimpo. Not only do these two ladies help many of our students each day, but they recently applied for and received a feminine product grant through the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for approximately $713.
This grant provides these products for all Lawson middle school and high school girls’ restrooms, giving students and patrons access to these items at no cost.
We greatly appreciate all these two ladies do to help the well-being and health of all our students!
Next, the board recognized the Robotics team for all their hard work and success this year. Members of the team and sponsor, Mr. Rodney Foster, were present to talk about their experience at the FRC Worlds Competition they recently attended in Houston, Texas. The competition was that consisting of over 400 teams from around the world. Again, we are so proud of their hard work and accomplishments!
Congratulations to all!
Items for Discussion:
EGS District Policy Update: The Board approved policy updates from EGS. The policy updates were made based on changes in MO state statutes that govern school districts and their functionality.
2023-2024 Classified Staff Salary Schedules: The Board approved salary schedules for the 2023-2024 school year for Registered School Nurse and Facilities Director and an amended Classified Scheduled for hourly paid positions.
Breakfast and Lunch Prices 2023-2024: The Board approved the proposed adjustments to meal prices for the 23-24 school year. The adjustments will keep the District compliant to meet the federal USDA requirement. The proposed increases average a 10-cent increase for lunch, a 7-cent increase for breakfast, and a 5-cent increase for extra milk sales.
Surplus Items List: The Board approved the surplus items list. The listed surplus items will be sold on the website. Items will also be advertised to the community in the Lawson Review.
2023-2024 Calendar Adjustment: The Board approved three adjustments to the 23-24 Academic Calendar.
- Change October 2 from a student contact day to a Staff Collaboration Day. (No School for Students)
- Change October 19 from a half day with students to a No Student Contact Day
- Flex Time for teachers 8am-12:30pm
- PT Conference will be scheduled from 1pm-7pm.
- Remove the March 28 PD Day from the calendar and extend Spring Break.
- The date will be noted as Weather Makeup Day in the event it is needed.
SW FEMA Parking Lot Lighting: The Board approved the purchase of 8 additional solar lights for the installation in the SW FEMA Building Parking Lot.
BOE Work Session: The Board approved scheduling a work session on June 14 at 6pm in the Lawson Media Center. The work session will provide an opportunity for the Board to receive information relevant to District operations and to provide an opportunity for the Board to conduct an annual review of the District Strategic Plan, and set Board and District Goals for the 2023-2024 school year.
Items for information:
SW FEMA Building Update: Mr. Stephenson provided the Board with an update on the progress of the SW FEMA Building project. The parking lot work is to begin this week, and the entire project is on track to be completed by the end of June 2023.
Summer School Update: Mrs. Cross and Mr. Zahl provided an update on the planning for the 2023 Summer School. Summer School is slated to run from May 31 – June 30.
New Course Offerings 2023-2024: Mr. Pete provided the Board with information on five new courses offered to high school students for the coming school year. They are Intro to Woods, Intro to Law, Intro to Business, Photojournalism, and 9th Grade Geometry with Integrated Algebra.
Long-Range Facilities Plan – Update: Incite Design provided the Board with an update on developing a comprehensive assessment of our facilities and forecasting future student growth. They will return to work with the Board during their work session in June. Additional steps in the planning process will involve feedback opportunities for students and the community in the fall.
Central School Lots Survey Update: Mr. Stephenson provided the Board with an update on the completed survey and platting of the Central High School property. The property was platted into five lots. A detailed plat map is available for viewing online using the Board Meeting link or in person at Central Office 401 N. Allison Street Lawson, MO 64062.
Superintendent Update: Mr. Stephenson updated the Board on current projects throughout the District. Part of the update included an overview of the district’s current financial standing. Mr. Stephenson reported our 2022-2023 revenues continue to trend higher than budgeted, while our expenditures continue to trend lower than budgeted. As a result, we anticipate ending Fiscal Year 2023 on June 30, 2023, in a solid financial position.
Closed Session Announcements:
New Teacher Hires for the 23-24: The Board approved hiring Brittany Sousley – MS/HS Nurse, Kristen Sullivan – HS Special Education, and Jenny Seibert – SW Elem. Building Aide for the 23-24 school year:
Facilities Director: The Board approved to promote Brent Baker to Maintenance Facilities Director. Mr. Baker will be responsible for the daily oversite of maintenance and custodial needs and will serve as the direct supervisor for all custodial and maintenance staff throughout the district.
Please contact Mr. Stephenson with questions or concerns regarding any information provided in this recap or other district matters. He can be reached by email at or by phone at (816)-580-7277.