Coopers Castle To be Replaced
The Lawson Board of Education approved purchasing replacement playground equipment to take the place of the existing Coopers Castle. Our current Coopers Castle has served the students of SW Elementary for several years but has reached the end of its serviceable life due to the breaking down of the recycled material from which the equipment was manufactured (Current Coopers Castle). The existing structure was funded 100% through a grant in 2005. The approved replacement project (New Coopers Castle - Fall, 2023) will be purchased using proceed from the recent Board approved selling of the district property on Shepherd Rd. The District will remove the current Coopers Castle in July to make way for the new and improved Coopers Castle in early fall 2023. The new equipment will be ADA-compliant with a wheelchair-accessible ramp. The project will also include replacing the swing sets and installing new climbing equipment.