A Spring Message from Mr. Stephenson
Happy Spring Lawson Students, Parents, Staff, and Community Members,
It is incredible how things can change in an instant. A few days ago, we were in a monsoon season with no sign of the sun. Now we are warming up, greening up, and pushing into Spring and nearing the middle of the fourth quarter of the school year. Wow!!
Reflecting on the 2022-2023 school year, I have seen tremendous energy from our administrators, teachers, staff, students, and community. The energy witnessed is like a strong wind at our back and will continue pushing us toward greater opportunities to advance our community. This energy is found in our classrooms and beyond and is proven by all the fantastic things our school community continues to accomplish together.
The Spring of 2023 is shaping up to be another exciting time for us all. Our Lawson High School Choir has had a fantastic spring receiving many exemplary ratings as a choir and as individuals. Our Cardinal Pride Band has had a great spring as a large ensemble and as individuals. Our Robotic Team has been amazing and has qualified for the World Robotics Competition in Houston, Texas, later this month. Our FCCLA program has been on fire and succeeded during their STAR State Events. The program has 2 students competing at the National FCCLA Conference and STAR Events this summer. We have celebrated having Mrs. Karen Johnson selected as the MIJA Journalism Teacher of the Year, Mr. Don Edwards being honored with an induction into the Missouri Athletic Hall of Fame, and Mrs. Christina Conrick being named the Lawson VFW’s Teacher of the Year. We have celebrated academic excellence by recognizing 106 high school students receiving their Academic Letters.
Additionally, we have observed the induction of 17 new students into the Lawson High School National Honor Society. We have cheered on our Yearbook Staff as they earned multiple awards for the content that makes up our Lawson Yearbook. Our elementary students have performed like “Broadway Stars” in their spring music programs. Our track teams continue reminding people at each meet #WeAreLawson, and our baseball team is off to another great start.
It is truly a great time to be a Lawson Cardinal, and on behalf of the Board of Education, I wish you nothing but the best as we head into what I believe will be a fantastic finish to the school year. Please remain safe through Spring Break and enjoy time with those you love.
Mr. Michael Stephenson