Strategic Plan


 Over the past 6+ months, the District has worked through updating our Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP), also known as the Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan sets overall goals for the Lawson R-XIV School District and develops a plan to achieve them. The contents of our plan represent the collective purpose of the Lawson R-XIV School District’s vision, mission, priorities, beliefs, and goals designed for student achievement and success. The plan was created by gaining input from stakeholders, including students, parents, patrons, and staff members.

 The plan creates 4 Priorities for the district and includes 9 Goals:


  • Meet or exceed standards of academic excellence. 
  • Recruit, retain, and support staff through competitive compensation, benefits, and development programs. 
  • Promote and maintain a positive culture and climate in all buildings to encourage student, parent, and community involvement. 
  • Nurture an environment focused on physical, social, and emotional well-being and safety for students and adults.


  • Develop a comprehensive plan to align building operations.
  • Update and revise the existing communication plan so it will increase transparency, understanding, and trust with stakeholders.
  • The school board will develop a long-range fiscal plan to address employee compensation and facility needs.
  • Prepare for the long-range facility needs of the District.
  • Intentionally build relationships and partnerships with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Develop support systems to provide strategies and assistance to support students and staff social and emotional well-being.
  • Establish a plan to update curriculum offerings to engage students in career exploration.
  • Establish a plan to update curriculum, assessment, instructional practices, and resources to engage students and increase academic achievement.

Click to review the complete 2023-2028 Strategic Plan